Deloitte – What are they looking for? September 2020

Nathan Ranamagar

As we head into the Autumn, we have performed our quarterly review of the hiring patterns of each of the ‘Big 4’ Professional Services firms. We begin our analysis with Deloitte. There was a distinct drop in hiring during the summer months but hiring does look like it’s picking up. We have summarised our key findings, (we are consultants after all), below.

Total Job Listings

Overall, there has been an increase in job listings over the past three months. The primary reason for this increase is due to demand from the Audit service line. This figure for audit, however, is a mix of Deloitte’s External Audit and Risk Advisory service lines. So, although there has been a drop in Consulting demand over the past few months, the increased hiring within Risk Advisory shows that there is some demand for Advisory services. It should be noted, however, that as per its name – Risk Advisory focusses on business risks such as Cyber and Financial Crime which differs from Consulting, whose primary focus is on revenue-generating operations.

The increase in Financial Advisory Services also highlights client needs in the current climate. Considering that many FTSE 250 companies are currently restructuring, this service line should be in high demand over the next few months.

Skills and Knowledge (Top 10)

As expected, the key skills required are primarily related to the Audit and Risk fields. Skills related to Technology Risk, such as Cyber, Security and Cloud are all in demand. The requirement for Cloud skills is based on high demand across Deloitte’s Risk Advisory and Consulting divisions. Risk Advisory requires Cloud skills for areas such as Cyber and Consulting for areas such as DevOps Engineering.

The requirement for Sales skills is another interesting area identified from the data. This requirement is listed across a wide range of service lines from Restructuring Services to Human Capital. It is well-known that Sales become a key performance measurement from the manager grade onwards and the addition of this requirement reflects that. This is especially true for younger, high-growth Advisory departments.

Qualifications (Top 10)

The requirement for the ACA/ACCA across multiple roles comes as no surprise however the entry of CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) at number three highlights Deloitte’s need for Security specialists. The CFA is also relatively high on the list. This is due to Deloitte requiring the qualification for a few of its roles across Financial Services. In particular M & A transactions, Debt Advisory, and Credit Risk Modelling.

So there we are, Deloitte is starting to ramp up hiring but its Consulting recruitment is yet to get into stride. Overall, however, it is an improvement to earlier in the year. We hope that this improvement continues as we make our way into the Autumn.

Feel free to reach out if you have any feedback! We are always looking to get better 🙂

Until next time, Nathan

Nathan Ranamagar is the founder of – the 2.0 Job Search for Professional Services. He likes Excel formulas, Cheese Puffs and Vodka Cocktails. Email:

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